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Free Tools

Our free tools for your Website.

PageOK offers to everybody many tools to check the quality and performance of your website. Use them completely for free.

The PageOK tool set

Page Check

Use the Page Check to check main KPIs and status of URLs and websites.

List Check

With our List Check you can check more URLs at once, e.g. if all items of a sitemap.xml are available.


The PageOK Crawler discovers the linked pages and ressources of any website domain you want to check.

Google Ranking Check

If you want to check on which position your website on Google for a keyword, the Google Ranking Check is the right choice.

Google Search Details

Google displays only some information when you use the famous Google search. See more details for a website domain with the Google Search Details.

Top Websites by Lighthouse Score

xplore the Best-Performing Websites Now! Check out the top websites ranked by Google Lighthouse scores and see where your website stands!
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